Saturday, January 16, 2010

Huntington On the Edge of Paradise

The road rises gently up the grassy knoll. Palm trees sway in the rising breeze. Figures walk the outer road. The desert garden is in full bloom. Its a riot. Aloe trees firing red rockets into the blue sky. Agave candy cane ribbons blue tequila longings swarm the ground. My eyes can't see through the smoke of color. Its a blizzard of cactus broom sticks twisted and spinning like animated sounds in a mushroom dream. Paint it. Let it take you down with its overwhelming confusion of perfect design.


  1. Whew, just the description makes me yearn to be there, then I look at the painting and you cemented the feeling. Keep pushing forward.
    Don Cornelius

  2. Hey Rod!
    I love that this painting reflects the "smoke of colors," but at the same time remains refrained from capturing the vitality an vibrancy of every color that blossoms from that awesome place. To curtail such a use of your palette obviously allowed you to explore the hidden messages of the garden. Love it!

  3. Rod, I just had the time to read the writings under each of your paintings. I love this, especially since I've been there. I'm thinking of pulling this up on my LCD projector at school to inspire my students to be more creative. It certainly inspires me.
